Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Some new thinking...

Dear Mrs. Abalos' Class,

We have been learning a lot about oceans and sea creatures that make the ocean their home. We have a question for you: "How can we use Nobody to make a difference in our environment and in our world?"

D.K.: "I think when we clean the environment by finding garbage and putting it in the bins, we are helping our world."

L.M.: "No smoking because it makes the air bad. We can teach to not smoke.Don't make nets in the water because the animals can't travel anywhere. Animals that get caught in the net get captured."

E.S.: "We can not throw trash in the ocean because that can make ocean animals be killed."

J.S.: "Don't capture orca whales because when you capture the babies then the mommy's cry. They take them to a different pool and that makes the families feel sad."

T.B.: "E.S. and G.B. researched that sharks can eat trash. That's not good because if they eat it they might get sick."

E.S.: "We can take care of animals by feeding them."

R.V.: "We can teach Nobody how to play. It makes you feel happy when you play."

J.Sid.: "Don't feed the animals trash or dirty water. They might be sick and even worser they can get germs in their food. And if you throw trash then the trash and the people catch the animals."

C.S.: "What if you feed the animals trash by accident? I think that they will might be sick and it will make the oceans not a good home."

What do you think Mrs. Abalos' class?

Ms. Schmidt & Ms. Theis' Kindergarten Class

P.S. We read a book that said when sharks sleep they swim still! - T.B.

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